Our offer for care and nursing at home
It is very important for us that you know your family members are in good hands. It is necessary that the client and the carer not only harmonize but that they have a real connection. That they are a team. Only then optimal care is possible and can secure health, both of body and mind.
Comprehensive services make it possible for us to develop a nursing and caring schedule that precisely corresponds to your individual needs in your current situation.
Care and nursing 24/7
Care and nursing round the clock in your own home.
When you are at home you feel best. Particularly when you are in an unusual situation physically or psychologically.
Why people need nursing and care has many different reasons. But one however is common to all to stay at home in the family as long as possible.
Senior citizens, adults and children all want to be in a comfortable position whenever they are either temporarily or permanently incapacitated.
Just as the nurse helps in the recovery of the patient, so do the familiar surroundings in the family. It is our strength to have a good, intensive care program catering for many situations. Thereby we make it possible for our clients to remain at home within their own family despite deteriorating health conditions.
The carer together with his/her charge sees to it that the daily tasks are carried out. Our offer extends from basic care like body hygiene to free-time activities as walking or even memory training for the promotion of cognitive capabilities.
The family can relax in the sure knowledge that their family member is well looked after round the clock.
We have individual hourly care and nursing.
Need related nursing as well as help in everyday affairs.
Elderly people sometimes only need help with specific points of the daily routine.
Younger people are sometimes dependent on help from one day to the next due to an accident or some sickness.
No matter for what reason or the age of the patient: we always send fitting assistance.
The carer supports his/her client with certain activities that can be for example help with the morning hygiene but it could also be support when shopping or when at the doctor´s or dealing with the public authorities.
Fun and games should of course not go missing. Therefore, we organize escorts for attendance at cultural events and leisure activities too.
Fitness, beauty and more in the comfort of your home
There are phases in life in which a person is not entirely mobile be it after an accident, after a lengthy sickness or simply because of old age.
Therefore, we send our professionals directly to your home: physiotherapy, massage hairdressing, fitness training, yoga, cosmetics.
You get everything you need right in the comfort of your own home.
Things that are important to us in our care
We see the carer as part of the family.
It is a sign of great trust to commit a family member to the care of an outsider. We know that and therefore it is our vision to find the “right” carer for each and every individual, so that the family atmosphere is preserved. Not an outsider but a friend comes into your personal sphere and in time almost becomes part of that family. If you have worries, we listen to you. If you have questions, we advise you. Building trust and precious relationships with our clients are an important concern for us.
We select our personnel on needs related criteria
We achieve this by a personal approach to our clients. First of all we conduct intensive discussions, where we exactly establish the needs of our clients but we also take their hobbies, interests, and personal preferences into account.
We know our nursing and care staff and we examine carefully their references and personal characteristics.
Every assistant or care giver is minutely checked and trained for the future work with you. During the caregiving time quality checks are also carried out.
We attach great importance to the circumstance that caregivers not only fulfil the formal requirements of a 24 h service but also have social competences and criteria which from the start are ascertained.
The following values are important to us
Our values in every placement are honesty, reliability, discretion, unfailing attention and understanding even if the first caring session is not up to standard.
We have an open ear for our caregivers, clients and their family. We accompany them when there are difficulties and new challenges arising.
For example, when the health situation deteriorates, we help our clients to gain a higher caring allowance from the administration authorities.
Nach "lieben" ist "helfen" das schönste
Zeitwort der Welt.
Bertha von Suttner
This is how we do it
Help from the very start
Almost Family starts their consulting activities right from the start even before the patient is sent home from hospital. We offer comprehensive nursing guidance and respectively Case and Care Management. The current health situation and nursing requirement will be evaluated as well as continuous evaluation and new orientation for their domestic situation.
The aim of all of this is to avoid unnecessary stays in hospital for our clients within a short period of time. This is called the “revolving door effect”.
We aim first and foremost at a holistic approach.
Therefore we cooperate with various professions from diverse health and social backgrounds, clinics, doctors and therapists. Several different disciplines and professional competences are of fundamental importance to us. In order to create and all- values inclusive atmosphere and to best cater for and support the clients in our charge.
Successful teamwork is today of paramount importance not only in general but in particular in the health service itself. Teamwork today can be considered at a deciding success factor. We are always engaging in new cooperation and thereby expanding our approach continuously.
Case & Care Management is support and help in every phase
Case & Care Management mean - in a nutshell - ascertain, plan, implement, coordinate and evaluate.
Essential tasks and aims of Case & Care Management are as follows:
To avoid unnecessary stay of our clients in hospitals
To best preserve the quality of good living for our clients
Regular contact with the family, carers, family doctors, therapists and the hospital
Interaction and coordination of all services
Relieve of strain for all other family members
Stable time planning and stability in staff maintenance
Maintenance of high-quality standards and their documentation
Communication with administration authorities
Check-ups on constant adherence to legal frameworks
There continuous Case & Care Management is one of the most important services that are given throughout the entire period of care.